By the example Christ set for us we are going to bring good news to the poor, comfort the broken hearted, bring joy and blessing to those who mourn, raise up spiritual sons and daughters, and send missionaries out to do the same.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our daughter is sleeping. It's quiet. Rain clouds are moving in through the night sky. Though they may threaten storms, I delight in the freshness of the rain. I think of how our lives are going to be ever changing in the next month. Sometimes it seems as though we are walking into a huge cloud of unknowns filled with unpredictable storms. Even so, the rain that falls down from the heavens will produce fruit in these trying times and fill our family with peace, joy, and strength in the Lord.

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
Psalm 34:8

As we get closer to our journey each day we ask that you continue to pray. Here are some prayer points for these next few weeks and month:

Safe travel
Our car to be sold for a good price to cover our moving expenses
That God lines up a job for Jared and Diane to work legally in Thailand

We are still in need of financial partners on a yearly or monthly basis. You can donate online through our blog or send donations to us at 9720 Mallery Drive, Noblesville, IN 46060, making checks payable to White Rock Fellowship (noting in the memo for Jared and Amber Lee).

God Bless!