You know....
I (Amber) sit here this morning exhausted but made a new person. There is a deeper compassion in my heart than there ever was before. Boldness flows through me where I was stopped by fear. Peace and love rule me. Praises are neverending on my lips. God is good!
I had the opportunity to go to a 4 day school in Monroe, Michigan. The purpose of the school was to teach the students how to evangelize and live our daily lives in the supernatural. God is a God of miracles, signs, and wonders. He is a good God. A faithful God. A deep God. A God that will rock your mind. A God who burns for us to know Him. A God of grace. A compassionate God.
Mark 16:17-18 says
These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won't hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.
I believe!
The Holy Spirit partners with us to do these things not to build pride or bring attention to ourselves but to humble us and draw us to Christ who leads us to the Father. Signs, miracles, and wonders through the power of the Holy Spirit always draw attention to Christ.
Our motivation should be love. I prayed for people this weekend who were sick and God healed them. Healing isn't alwasy the way God chooses to love a person. For instance.. I came across a lady in a wheelchair and God said just honor her today. So I told her how much God loved her and how beautiful she was. As much as I would have loved to pray for her and see her released from her wheel chair, God knew that even more so, she needed to feel honored and loved in a different way. She was so blessed through our conversation and it gave her hope.
Love for his people is the heart of the Father. Perfect love casts out fear! When I was just loving the person however God told me to I wasn't fearful because I knew His heart for that specific person. John 3:16 says For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son so that we should not perish but have eternal life. Why? BECAUSE HE LOVES US!
I've learned more about the nature and heart of God this weekend by praying for people out in the community than just sitting in church on Sunday Morning. Church is important but if we don't take what we've learned outside of the church then we are not living in the fullness of what God has for us. God is for Mondays and Tuesdays and all the other days. He wants to work in Church but also in Big Lots, Walmart, and the Park. He wants to work on the sidewalks and bus stations!
You know, all I had to do was step out and take a risk for God. He is faithful ALWAYS. He will use us even in our deep imperfection. It's not about us it's about loving others and allowing Christ to be seen through us. I tell you what... When ministering to those people they did not see me! Praise God for that! God's grace is abounding. This weekend I saw a woman healed while smoking a cigarette. YES! He meets us where we are. He just wants a relationship with us. Today I am hungrier for God than I ever was before. Why am I hungry? Because He is Good! Because the acts of God show His nature. I want more of Him so that I can give more of Him to others. What is life without Him but misery. He is my Joy!
God Bless
1 comment:
You're hungrier for God because you've been eating!!! In His kingdom you become hungry by eating! Yay!
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