By the example Christ set for us we are going to bring good news to the poor, comfort the broken hearted, bring joy and blessing to those who mourn, raise up spiritual sons and daughters, and send missionaries out to do the same.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Wasn't sure what to name this blog. They've been so erratic lately :) It's been months since I've posted yet it's been on my mind for months to post. I either think that far ahead or that far behind LOL ;)

Punching through the wall is all I could come up with because that's what I feel like I am doing, mind you with both hands tied behind my back. Has anyone ever felt like this? I'm sure you're saying, "I hear ya girl." Here is my perspective on this: You may think that this comes as a disadvantage. In fact, it is an advantage. You see, the battle is in our minds. Our defeats, our victories, our successes, and our challenges. It's all up there in our head. Here's something even better.. what's in our head comes from our hearts. Guard your hearts guys, it's the wellspring of life. Jesus was on it and still is.

We have been taught so many things from the time we were born until this moment in time. How many of those things are actually truth? I encourage you today to take each thought that comes to your mind via your heartand hold it against God's word. .The heart is the gateway to your mind. How else can guys remember all those statistics on sports and forget the milk at the grocery store. The love of sports lies deep in the heart for many men LOL.  Let every man be found a liar and God's word be found true. There is only one supreme truth, and that is God's word. We are either aligned with Him or aligned with someone else. In every area that we are aligned with Him we will see fruit and blessing because His word DOES NOT return void. In every area we are not aligned with God's word, there is only bareness. NOT BECAUSE GOD IS JUDGING YOUR SIN. Your sin was dealt with on the cross. Those areas are baren because the word has not been planted in those AREAS of your life, or perhaps, the word was choked out, or grew quickly but did not take root. If there is barenness in your life, IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GUARDING YOUR HEART. Instead of life you are sowing death.You are sowing seeds of death to your health, to your relationships, to your finances with every lie that you believe. Every lie that you believe allows a door for the enemy. GUARD YOUR HEART, IT IS THE WELLSPRING OF LIFE. Soak in God's grace and allow His word into your heart because it is life. Life to those who choose to BELIEVE. Not to those who strive for perfection, or never mess up, but for those who choose to believe. Funny thing is, as we believe, we become renewed, and start looking a little more like Christ each day.

All this to say. As I'm punching through this wall. I have the advatage because even if my hands are tied it's not about my strength but God's. It reminds me that where the fight really is, is in the heart and head. That's what I can do. Just simply do what God asked and BELIEVE!

And those are the thoughts of the day. Someone needed this :)

Peace and love to you all!

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